Introduction To Hebrews

The Context:   

       The book of Hebrews was written to Christian Jews at the dawn of the Church Age. They were under constant pressure by their unsaved family members, the Priests, the Sadducees, and the Pharisees to revert back to the burden of the law from which they had been set free. They were pressured to stop meeting with other Christians, especially Gentile Christians, in the local church and come back to the temple.

       The theme of this book is said to be “Jesus is better”. The Holy Spirit used this book to teach Jews who had accepted Christ as their savior to be assured that what they have in Christ is FAR better than anything the law had to offer. The importance of this theme is seen in V23 when the writer exhorted the Christian Jews to hold fast the profession of their faith without wavering.     

     While the first book was first written to Christian Jews consider how relevant it is for Christians today. New Christians in countries where there is dominate ruling religion, for Christians in the USA pressured by the world and families, the teens of our church, and those of us who have been saved for over 50 years need to know what we have in Jesus Christ is FAR better than anything this world has to offer, we must hold fast to our profession of faith.

       The way the author includes himself among those he is writing to is also important in understanding the “difficult verses” such as Vs 26-27. Note in Vs10,20,22,23,24,26,39 the author uses we, us and our and in V11 he called the Christian Jews brethren. He made it clear what is true for others is true for hi as well.

       When studying Hebrews, especially verses as 10:26-27 we must also remember that in Christ we have eternal life. Do not forget this eternal life can not be taken away from us. Our salvation can not be taken way, lost or given up. The statement once saved always saved is absolute truth! While our salvation is eternally secure we may get caught up in sin and live as if we are not saved.