Samuel Before Saul Part2

Ch6:13-18 The kine carried the ark to a field in Bethshemesh where the men were harvesting wheat. The Jews offered the kine as a burnt offering in a fire of the wood of the cart.


V6:19 The men of Bethshemesh looked inside the ark and the LORD killed 50,070 men.

·       To look in the ark they had to remove the mercy seat. God covered the curse of the law with his mercy. When the mercy seat was removed the men Bethshemesh were exposed to the curse of the law without the mercy of the LORD.

·       Heb 9:3-5 When the ark and mercy seat was between the cherubims in the ark was the mamma, the rod, and the tables of the covenant {ten commandments written in the stone}[Deu 32:15-16,18]

·       2Chron 2:10 When Solomon had the ark placed in the temple. Only the tables of the law were in the ark.

Ø    The Rod, God’s power, and the manna, God’s provision, were removed. I believe He removed them from the ark while it was in the house Abinadad of before the removed the ark from between the cherubims.

Ø    See Isaiah 3:1 The manna: the stay; the staff the guiding hand of the LORD

·       When they wrongfully removed the ark from the tabernacle the glory of the LORD did not go with it. It was exposed for all to see. The ark was returned but not His glory.

·       V6:19 They lamented because so many were killed not because they greatly sinned.


Ch6:20-7:2 The fear of the LORD came upon the men of Bethshemesh. But they did not fear unto repentance. They feared his presence would only bring more death.

·       V20b their answer was to find someone to whom the ark could be sent, out of their sight.

·       They sent the ark to Kirjathjearim into the house of Abinadab where it stayed for 20 years.

·       V7:2b all the house of Israel lamented after the LORD

·       Did they lament after the LORD because their sin and His glorious presence departed or because of they feared that more of His wrath would be poured upon them if they didn’t?



Ch 7:3 Samuel the judge and the prophet Ch7:15-17

·       Judges their worship of the strange gods and Ashtaroth

·       Prophesy: if they would put the strange gods and return unto the LORD with hearts prepared to serve him,  The LORD would deliver them from the hand of the Philistines

·       V4 they hearkened unto Samuel and put away the gods.

·       V5-6 Samuel interceded for the people.

Ø    They Drew and poured out water before the LORD and fasted. Denied themselves; picture of their lamenting over their sin. Repentance is turning back to the LORD

Ø    Water: spiritual; fasting: physical.

·       2Ch 30:9; Isa 55:7; Mic 7:18]


Ch7:7-14 Samuel finished what Sampson started [Judg 13:5]. He delivered the people and the land from the hand of the Philistines.

·       1Sa 7:13 ¶ So the Philistines were subdued, and they came no more into the coast of Israel: and the hand of the LORD was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.

Ch7:15-17 Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life


Consider this: The fear of God should produce hearts prepared to serve Him through worship, not hearts prepared to serve Him through fear of His wrath