Four dispensations in Genesis Part 1

#1 The age of Innocence

·       The age of Innocence: Begins in Gen 2:15-17 Adam was to acknowledge God is exalted as head above all as the creator through obedience without question, without doubt. Adam was ignorant of evil. God did not tell Adam why he was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or why he would die in the day he ate of the fruit.

·       Satan introduced his plan for the ages in Gen 3:1-5

Ø    “Hath God said?” 

·       Question: Did God tell Eve directly not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

Ø    Ye shall not surely die”. Did they physically die in the day they ate the forbidden fruit?

·       We are often told Adam died spiritually the moment he disobeyed God. In Rom 5:12-13 we are told sin entered into the world by Adam and dearth also. Man is spiritually dead until quickened by the Holy Spirit.

·       Physical death also came because blocked man from the tree of life. God did not lie spiritual and physical death both came to Adam.

·       Gen 1:5, 3 a day for man is 24 hours

·       2Pe 3:8 a day for the Lord is 1000 years [Gen 5:5]. Adam did physically die in Lord’s concept of a day.

Ø    “Ye shall be as gods” as if the knowledge of good and evil would be a blessing not a curse.

Ø     [Isa 14:12-14] Could Satan have expected God to expel Adam and Eve from off the earth for wanting to believe they could be like the Most High.

·       During the age of innocence there was no doubt that one man would cleave unto one woman and they would be one flesh. Gen 2:24

·       During the age of innocence they were not ashamed of their nakedness. Gen 2:25

Ø    This was God’s best example of innocence that we could understand.

Ø    The first example of their loss of innocence was the shame they expresses at their nakedness. Gen 3:7

Ø    In Gen 3:21 God covered their nakedness with skins. He made a statement about nakedness. It must be covered.

Ø    There should be shame associated with nakedness

Ø    Nakedness was reserved for between husband and wife. In Lev 18:6-18 God’s commands about nakedness and how it is tied to marriage is seen.

The age of innocence started coming to an end when Adam and Eve began doubting the words of God. They chose to believe the half-truths {lies} of the serpent.

It ended when their eyes were opened in Gen 3:7  

***The picture of the end of worshipping God through innocence is the gaining of the shame of nakedness.